Justine got to see in person the studio were Apple fitness+ is film and made.

Apple gave iJustine a popular youtuber a tour of the Apple Fitness+ Studio that is located in Santa Monica. She also interviews with the company's fitness coaches. Apple launch Apple Fitness in 2015 and then launch Fitness Plus in late 2020.
Apple Fitness+ has weekly fitness content at a large studio in Santa Monica. as it was shown in the video by Justine. The studio is highly mechanized, the trainers are significantly able to film their classes without a large technical team.
Also iJustine interviewed Apple's Vice President of Fitness, Jay Blahnik, which he said "We've had a really great time innovating, and we're just going to keep pushing, We're really committed to this notion of trying to welcome as many people as possible regardless of where they're at in their fitness journey."
She also spoke to a few trainers at Fitness like, including yoga instructor Jessica Skye.

Tim Cook later said in a reply at Justine tweet which he said "So glad you’re feeling better and got to meet the Fitness+ team and see the studio in action!"
You can find Justine at Youtube.com/iJustine or here