A local family just had a set of twins, but the crazy part it's were born on rare special day of 2/22/22.

What a 2sday a day of doubles came a set of twins, it's a special day for this family. “It feels really special to have the girls be born on that day.” said Hannah Yoo, mother of the twins.
Both girls were born at the Eisenhower Health in Rancho Mirage, the same hospital where their father works as a general surgeon.
“And the crazy thing is we had scheduled a C-section… During the C-section, our doctor told me that they were going to come that day anyway… looking at my uterus, she could tell they were going to arrive on 2/22 no matter what so that kind of confirmed it was meant to be,” said Yoo.
The couple was hoping for a second child in addition to their two-year old, They were surprised when the doctor discovered two hearts beating.
“It was totally unexpected when we found out we were having twins. We were shocked because it doesn’t run in our families,” said Yoo. “And the odds of this happening, I think it’s 3/1,000- completely random, so we were shocked.”
“They have a similar look… but we want them to have their own lives,” said Yoo. “Her name is Story. We want her to have her own story and create her own path. And then her name is Prose and we want her to connect with the world and engage with others.”
We are so gald that it was a sepical 2sday for the twice as big of the family, the twins to have a special birthsday story.