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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Martinez

Over A 100 Accounts Ban On Twitter That Push #IStandWithPutin

The company contuine to ban accounts that push the hashtag.

100 accounts have been ban on twiiter, hashtag #-StandWithPutin for participating in “coordinated inauthentic behavior,” days after the hashtag trended on Twitter. A spokeman at Twitter had say that it is still investigating the origins and links between the accounts.

The accounts with the most retweets about the hashtag on Wednesday, the accounts only have a few dosen follower and stock photo as the profle picture. Which led disinformation researchers to question how the tweets went viral.

“People throw the term bots around a lot, but what we saw here was lots of accounts demonstrating inauthentic activity and astroturfing,” Jones said. “They’re not bots. They’re a lot harder to check than that. Imagine a call center setup. Think of the amount of damage you can do.”

The #-IStandWithPutin hashtag then received a second wind as a trending topic when authentic accounts began tweeting the hashtag simply to criticize it.

“This is the paradox of this kind of behavior,” Jones said. “Some of the most engaged tweets were people denouncing the hashtag.”


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