The masks will no longer be needed indoor area, it might be in a few place.
Many Americans feel safe going out with no mask, inculding schools and work places, The CDC said. The new guidelines will put people in a low risk of Covid-19. This comes as it previous recommended masks in counties with substantial or high transmission.
The recommendations apply to everyone, not just those who are vaccinated or boosted.
Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC director, said at a briefing on Friday that the change reflects that the overall risk of severe disease from Covid is lower because of widespread immunity provided by vaccines or prior infection, improvements in testing, and accessibility to new treatments.
"We're in a stronger place today as a nation with more tools to protect ourselves," Walensky said.
It's to be noted that if you or a love one is at higer risk or if you live with a higer risk person to take the extra precautions, This means wear your mask, stay 6 feet apart from one a other in public places.
If you feel unsafe wearing your mask, you could continue to wear one.
"People who wear a high-quality mask are well-protected, even if others around you are not masking," Greta Massetti, a senior scientist at the agency, said at the briefing.
Although masks have been required in many school districts around the country, the CDC is including schools in the new guidance because children are at lower risk for severe illness, Massetti said. The agency only recommends universal masking in schools in communities at the high level.
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kids can and could get sick from the virus but "they’re more likely to have asymptomatic or mild infections," Massetti said.
“Cases, hospitalizations, and even deaths are trending downward and have been trending downward in a sustained fashion," he said.
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