From what we have learned Harris had not been near President Joe Biden or the First Lady.
Washington --- The vice president Kamala Harris had tested positive for covid-19 on Tuesday, her office said. There is no report of harris displaying any covid symptoms, she will isolate while she continues to work from her residence and will return to the White House once she test negative, said her spokeswoman.
Harris had not been in close contact to the First Lady or President Joe Biden since last Monday when the White House Easter Egg Roll event took place. She is also the highest-ranking official in the Biden administration to test positive for the virus, plus she was in calforina last week after the easter event took place. She had limited public events during the California visit, which included a fundraiser, and returned to Washington Monday night.
The positive result came from rapid and PCR tests. Harris received her second Covid booster shot April 1 and her first COVID-19 booster shot in October.