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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Martinez

Google Now Takes Request To Remove Personal Info From Search Results

Have information that you would like not to see it on the web and now you can.

Having to find your self and your personal information on the web is scary, as maybe somthing like your age to your phone number can be outthere. Google will now take the request ti remove it from the search results. Google had created a form that you would fill out about what kind of thing you want to remove from the web. ( Here is the form:

"Google may remove personally identifiable information (PII) that has potential to create significant risks of identity theft, financial fraud, harmful direct contact, or other specific harms," the company said. "This includes doxxing, which is when your contact info is shared in a malicious way."

The company said that it will not automatically remove results, unless they are harmful or a threat to the person.

A Google representative told Reuters its research has found an increasing amount of personally identifiable information online. The representative said she now expects to accept a higher percentage of takedown requests, although Google wouldn't remove information that appears as part of the public record on governmental or official sites.


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