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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Martinez

Dozens Of Migrants Found Dead In San Antonio

The bodies were found in a tractor-trailer on a sweltering day in the region.

At least 46 people were found dead and 16 hospitalizados today Monday in a big truck in San Antonio, Texas.

On Twitter Gov. Greg Abbott said that the 18-wheeler was being used to transport migrants. The uninviting discovery was made late Monday afternoon in an undeveloped area of southwest San Antonio near the railroad tracks.

The heat will likely be a focus for those investigating the deaths. Temperatures climbed to 101 on Monday, according to the National Weather Service. The heat inside a trailer packed with humans was likely significantly greater than the high temperature might indicate.

The blamed the deaths by Abbott on President Joe Biden. The immigration policies "show the deadly consequences of his refusal to enforce the law," Abbott tweeted.

Driver James Mathew Bradley Jr., 60, of Clearwater, Fla., pleaded guilty to conspiracy and transporting migrants, although his wife said he did not know people were in the trailer.


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