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Writer's pictureAnthony Martinez

Both Desert Ridge Academy And Shadow Hills High Schools Evacuated Due To A Gas Leak

Students at Shadow Hills High School & Desert Ridge Academy in Indio were released from class following a natural gas leak on campus.

Parent were notified by the school and school district, Students were released at 11:00am. All students at DRA were relesased to authorized adult or parents to be pick up, students were not able to walk or take the bus home. Shadow hills high students were able to walk and drive home. News Channel 3

DSUSD has confirmed that both schools were evacuated due to a reported gas leak in the cafeteria of the high school. Around 1:30pm CAL fire had confirmed that the source of the smell was confirmed to be a natural gas leak. Crews are venting all buildings as a precaution.

Mary Perry, spokesperson for the district said that three school employees were taken to a hospital after overcome the smell of the gas. one person has been released from the hospital, another is about to be released, and the third patient will remain hospitalized to be monitored.

DSUSD.US letter.

DSUSD announced that out of an abundance of caution, the school canceled all activities that were scheduled for Friday evening at Shadow Hills High. This includes athletic practice, conditioning, and any other visual or performing arts events

"Should there be any changes to the weekend schedule will be shared tomorrow morning," reads a notice sent out by Perry.

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